No Gatekeepers, Tastemakers or Influencers
Another bleedin' music blog you cry...why? I'll tell you why..... I have been reading blogs for years, especially music blogs. There were 2 or 3 I used to read religiously but they have unfortunately fallen by the wayside....they were good blogs because THEY TOLD ME WHAT THE MUSIC SOUNDED LIKE. Browsing recently I was faced with blogs that were either written by frustrated journalists thinking they were up for a Pulizer or they slavishly just stick to one 'genre' (*warning - genres will be a future rant*). If a blog tells me, in whatever language the writer sees fit, what the music sounds like I'm happy - I can make a decision to buy or not to buy on that information. If a writer starts bleating on about how the music brought back memories of a glorious holiday in the Norwegian fjords, that doesn't really help because I WASN'T THERE! Now, I'm not saying this blog will be more worthy or better written (in fact it won't) and I'm certainly not saying it will be a better blog, just written with different parameters, but I can promise that I won't be drawing comparisons to 'the mournful cry of a choir of seraphim' mainly because THEY DON'T FUCKING EXIST!
While I'm ranting, gatekeepers eh? Those people who seem to think their opinions on music are the only ones that matter, that their word on what is good or not good is the final word (or, even worse, whether a particular piece of music is of a 'genre'). No better than those Insta 'influencers'. What's worse are the people who, like Pavlov's dogs, then assume that that album is 'cool' and go on buy it on the say-so of one person. THINK FOR YOURSELVES, musicians deserve that, you know ... the people with the actual talent. Thousands of musicians get overlooked because they can't afford to get their beloved music put out on vinyl (don't even get me started on vinyl snobbery) or they are deemed 'uncool' by a coterie of self-appointed 'tastemakers'. It's all bollocks. When you open up the damned Facebook groups and it's THE SAME FUCKING ALBUM being posted by EVERYONE! It's depressing and oh so fucking predictable.
Right, I feel better for that. I will be reviewing on all formats, all 'genres' (well, not 'urban' or C&W mainly because I don't like it) but, and it's a big but (phnar, phnar) listen to it yourself and make up your own mind about it, the artists deserve that. All I will be doing is writing about music I like, I will not be telling you what is cool or not cool, what you should or shouldn't be buying.
If you are put off by the above rant....bye! If you disagree with what I have written, I respect your opinion please respect mine. If you love music in all its myriad of colours, I truly hope you find something that you like on this blog but please give it a listen and if you like it, buy it. Peace out!
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