
Showing posts from October 3, 2021

Genres - Unavoidable Necessity or Absolute Meaningless Bollocks

  Sorry for the radio silence, I've had some real-life shite to deal with. Anyway, no review today, tho' there are some in the pipeline. At this moment in time I feel the need to rant, specifically about music genres. Back in the day, when I were but a lad there were only a handful of music genres and life was so easy. When you read the NME (yeah, I!) the normal record review would state, in no uncertain terms, that this record is punk (or prog or rock or jazz etc).. it was unambiguous and to the point. Of course you really needed to read the review in full to ascertain whether it was your 'thang' but that is good - surely better to describe the nuances of a record than to attach a meaningless tag to it. It was the onset of the rave generation that changed everything - 'House' music was split into happy house, handbag house, Chicago house, nosebleed gabba and other meaningless words. To be fair I am guessing that these words meant something to aficion