The Rowan Amber Mill - 'Disciples of the Scorpion'
This was one of those rare times I bought something unheard, mainly because I absolutely gobble up pretty much everything The Rowan Amber Mill (RAM) put out, the last being the wonderful 'Harrowed By The Stones'. RAM have cornered the market in two aspects: the 'imaginary' soundtrack and 'folk horror' (or 'Witchfolk' or 'alt-folk' depending on what tag is popular this week). Until this point I would have said that RAM's acme was the superb 'Book of the Lost', recorded with fellow arcane traveller Emily Jones, a bucolic soundtrack to an imaginary portmanteau TV series (think Amicus films but with more countryside). I would have to say though that 'Disciples of the Scorpion' transcends 'Book of the Lost', an accomplishment in and of itself. To give some background, via RAM's Bandcamp page, 'Disciples of the Scorpion' is "The official soundtrack to the folk-horror film....a 1975 low budget film made...